Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beowulf Discussion Questions...

In his treatment of the theme of good versus evil, the poet depicts Grendel as an agent of evil. Discuss the description in lines 85-113 and the references to WYRD in lines 382-84 and 488- 93 as examples of the poet's intermingling of Christian and pagan elements. Why do you think the poem's tone of melancholy pessimism is appropriate?       Discuss at length and specify lines.   If you disagree with others comments feel free to comment respectfully! :)  Be BOLD!! Go forth.....

Monday, August 8, 2011

2011 Honors British Lit Class First BLog Post of the Year!

A New Class... Same Blog.... the blogginess continues

Welcome to our  British Literature Class Blog!  This is an exciting tool that we will be using this year to share comments and reflections on the material we will be reading.  Your first assignment is simple.
1) Become a follower of the blog by following the directions to the left of the post.
2) Leave a comment under this post.  Tell us something about yourself and your expectations for this class.
3)  Go to the Google book version of  How To Read a Book  and begin to peruse the text online.

Here is a short clip by the author of this book!